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5 Ways to Make the Most of Taurus Season

astrology Apr 20, 2023


Taurus season offers a shift in energy from the impulsive and fiery Aries season. In Vedic (Sidereal) astrology, Taurus season begins from May 14 to June 15 when Sun transits through the sign of Taurus. The cutoff dates can vary slightly each year by a few hours.

This transition is about grounding oneself in the physical world and appreciating the slower, richer experiences of life. This season also highlights the value of patience and persistence.

Dedicate yourself to long-term projects that require steady effort, and practice patience, knowing that good things take time. 

Engage in activities like painting, gardening, or decorating your home. Surround yourself with beauty and inspiration. Refresh your wardrobe, try new looks, or invest in quality pieces that make you feel confident.

By embracing this season’s energy, you can effectively build upon existing initiatives, enjoy life’s various pleasures, and establish a more stable, secure environment for yourself and your loved ones.

Here’s what someone can generally expect during Taurus season:

Take it easy.

Venus, the planet of pleasure and beauty, rules two Zodiac signs: Taurus and Libra. While Libra tends to focus on what looks good visually, Taurus is more concerned with what feels good physically.

Taurus season is a great time to nurture your body. Yes, your regular yoga practice is an important way to do that on an ongoing basis. The stable routines that keep you grounded are still necessary now — but there’s also value in knowing when to go beyond them.

A special treat like getting a massage or facial could be especially rewarding during Taurus season. Simpler pleasures pursued with intention — like sleeping in when you can or taking a long, relaxing bath — are also wonderfully restorative.

2. Nourish yourself.

Taurus energy is very focused on food. During Taurus season, you might want to look at whether your diet is nourishing. Whatever you consider comfort food probably counts as nourishing on a soul level, although it may be possible to supplement that with more healthy fruits and vegetables.

Taurus is notorious for having a sweet tooth, so it’s important to note that improving your diet doesn’t have to mean totally giving up sweets. If you try to do that, you’ll probably feel deprived, making it more likely you’ll overindulge later. During Taurus season, high-quality desserts in moderation are much better than none at all.

Also, during Taurus season, it’s not just what you eat — it’s how you eat. To create the pleasant mealtime environment you deserve, you may need to clean up clutter on your dining table or stop watching depressing TV news while you eat. Try to take the time to enjoy your meals slowly.

3. Get out in nature.

Taurus is associated with the element of Earth, meaning that it has strong ties to the physical world. 

If you garden, your garden may need tending at this time. You could enjoy knowing you’re growing tasty food you’ll be able to eat later — or you might just appreciate having beautiful flowers to look at now!

Going on hikes or walks is also a great way to enjoy Taurus season. That said, Taurus season is also allergy season for some people, which can make outdoor recreation unpleasant. If pollen is a problem for you, here are yoga poses that help with sinus congestion: Downward Dog, Fish Pose, Plow Pose and Bridge Pose.

4. Speak your truth.

In medical astrology, Taurus is associated with the neck and throat. This includes your voice for singing and speaking. Taurus season could therefore be an ideal time to share an important truth you’ve been holding back.

However, in the chakra system, Zodiac signs are associated with particular chakras based on their ruling planets. The throat chakra is associated with communication planet Mercury, which rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo.

Because Taurus is ruled by love planet Venus, the chakra associated with the sign of Taurus is actually the heart chakra. This energy center’s concerns include love, compassion, empathy, and relationships.

The energetic blend of Taurus season therefore challenges you to balance honesty and kindness. Speak the truth in love!

5. Plan for stability.

The negative stereotypes of the Zodiac sign Taurus include being overly concerned with money and refusing to take risks. Although these tendencies can sometimes go too far, there’s a valid point underneath them — financial stability is an important thing to have!

Taurus season is a great time to assess how practical your life plans are. While money might not be the only factor you consider, it should at least be part of the discussion.

Even the legendary Taurean stubbornness has a good side: it can help build sustainable routines. For example, if you got into yoga on a lark during impulsive Aries season, Taurus season can be when you figure out a schedule for making it a consistent part of your life!

How to stay balanced during Taurus season.

  1. Wear White Sapphire in a Silver ring on your right hand middle finger. Recommended for signs Taurus, Libra, and Cancer and not recommended for Leo and Scorpio natives. 
  2. Keep an Aquamarine crystal in your room to attract love and strengthen relationships. 
  3. Recite the mantra “HAM” to improve your throat chakra. 
  4. Recite the mantra “YAM” to improve your heart chakra.

For more information on how to adapt your personal yoga practice to the energy of Taurus season, join the Astro Yoga Experience!



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