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5 Ways to Make the Most of Scorpio Season

scorpio Sep 23, 2023

Scorpio is a Zodiac sign that sometimes has a scary reputation. After all, Halloween takes place during Scorpio season! However, Scorpio season can be a powerful and transformative time of year if you know how to work with its unique energy productively.

In 2023, the Sun is in Scorpio from October 23 to November 22. The cutoff dates may vary slightly each year. 

The traditional planetary ruler of Scorpio is aggressive Mars. Scorpio is a water sign, so its style of expressing aggression tends to be emotional rather than physical. 

On the difficult side, Scorpio has a reputation for holding on to grievances and becoming vindictive. As a fixed sign, Scorpio can be stubborn. However, it’s also possible for Scorpio’s stamina and determination to be used toward positive ends, like being loyal and supportive toward one’s loved ones.

After Pluto was discovered in 1930, Pluto became the modern ruler of Scorpio. Pluto's energy is all about power. Finding the right outlet for this longing is often a challenge. When channeled in a way that seeks the highest good, it can be transformative.

Read on to learn 5 ways to flow with the energy of Scorpio season!


1. Face a difficult issue.

Scorpio is associated with topics that can make people uncomfortable, like death and sexuality. During Scorpio season, you might muster the courage to look into an issue you would otherwise avoid, like what happens to your stuff after you die. Even if you’re not particularly old, you can still make a will — sometimes for free!

2. Detoxify.

Scorpio is all about death and rebirth. However, this cycle of renewal happens on a much smaller scale in the course of everyday life. During Scorpio season, you may want to give your body extra support to get rid of things it no longer needs. 

Scorpio is a water sign, so remember to hydrate — not just through drinking water, but also through taking baths or showers. If there’s a problem food or beverage that you know you have trouble digesting, you might hold off on it for a while to give your body a break. Meanwhile, you can add colorful vegetables like beets to your diet!

3. Solve a mystery.

Scorpio energy is curious — and it’s less likely to get into trouble if it has something productive to do. During Scorpio season, direct your mental power toward finding the answer to a question you’ve always wondered about. Perhaps there are understandable reasons why you didn’t pursue this inquiry earlier, but conquering any associated fears can build your self-confidence.

4. Embrace the mysteries you can’t solve.

Of course, not all valid questions can be answered in a satisfying way during this lifetime. Scorpio is associated with spirituality, so you may want to explore the more interesting parts of your spiritual practice during Scorpio season. Even if you don’t definitively solve the mysteries of life, you’ll probably at least learn a few fascinating tidbits along the way. 

Don’t limit yourself to an intellectual exploration of spirituality, though — do what you can to experience something out of this world, to whatever extent you feel comfortable with that!

5. Try Scorpio yoga poses.

Scorpio is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra due to being traditionally ruled by Mars. Sphinx Pose stimulates the abdominal organs in this area. 

Scorpio is also associated with the reproductive organs, and Bound Side Lunge can open the pelvis and release emotions that are stored there. For additional guidance on the best yoga flow for Scorpio season, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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