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5 Ways to Make the Most of Sagittarius Season

sagittarius Oct 08, 2023

Sagittarius season is often a fun time of year. That makes sense for the Sun being under jolly Jupiter’s rulership. However, with a little more thought, you can go beyond the obvious pleasures to really make the most of Sagittarius season!

In 2023, the Sun is in Sagittarius from November 22 to December 21. The cutoff dates sometimes wiggle by a day or so depending on the year. 

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is often referred to as the greater benefic. Jupiter's energy is optimistic and eager to try new things. Significant transits from Jupiter to one’s natal chart are known for bringing blessings and good fortune. 

However, Jupiter, like anything else, has both positive and negative sides. Jupiter is the planet of the teacher or guru. This authority and power should ideally be used to help others, but sometimes it’s used to bully and dominate them instead.

Read on to learn 5 ways to make the most of Sagittarius season.

1. Read a book.

Sagittarius is all about expanding one’s horizons, both physically and mentally. If there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn more about, reading a book or taking an online course on the subject can satisfy your curiosity. For example, learning more about the underlying philosophy of yoga can help you improve your yoga practice. 

2. Challenge your perspective.

Although Sagittarius is associated with wisdom, the negative side of this energy is a tendency to get stuck in one’s view of the world. To guard against this possibility, consider researching a political or spiritual belief system different from your own, or read arguments in support of a viewpoint you disagree with. You may not ultimately change your mind, but you’ll at least understand the other side of the story better. 

3. Indulge your sensual side. 

Jupiter is big on sensual pleasure and hates limits. During Sagittarius season, you might want to be realistic about this and give yourself extra room to embrace what feels good. 

Holiday parties with lots of tasty treats are common during Sagittarius season, so food is often a big focus of the desire for pleasure. Starting a restrictive diet at this time of year is likely to be frustrating! However, if you truly must limit your intake of certain foods, you might try to get your sensual needs met in some other way, like by getting a massage or taking a relaxing bath. 

4. See new sights.

Sagittarius is the sign of travel and long journeys. If you are able to get out of your usual surroundings for a while during Sagittarius season, that could refresh your perspective. You don’t have to go to the ends of the Earth — just far enough to discover that there are different ways of doing things. This can help keep you from becoming too rigidly attached to your own routines and biases.

5. Try Sagittarius yoga poses.

Sagittarius is associated with the sacral chakra, and it rules the thighs and legs in medical astrology. Hip openers like King Pigeon Pose therefore support the flow of Sagittarius energy. One challenging part of hip openers, however, is that they can release a lot of emotion. Sometimes the optimistic attitude of Sagittarius prefers to avoid delving into the emotionally difficult side of life, but hard feelings are ultimately better out than in. 

Bow Pose is great for stretching the hips and hamstrings. As a bonus, it is named after an archer’s bow — the symbol of Sagittarius is, of course, The Archer!


For additional guidance on the best yoga flows for Sagittarius season, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience




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