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5 Ways to Make the Most of Libra Season

libra Aug 08, 2023

Libra season — a breath of fresh air! While the Sun moves through this cardinal Air sign, we have an opportunity to restore our balance and then plan a logical path forward from there.

In 2023, the Sun is in Libra from September 23 to October 23. The cutoff dates may vary slightly by year.

Libra season always begins with the Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. The equinox means that the day and the night are of equal length. This happens twice a year — the other time is the Spring Equinox.

Similarly, Libra is represented in symbolism by the scales of justice. Balance and fairness are key longings for Libra. Sorting these things out can be a tedious process sometimes, especially as Libra can often see both sides of an issue. Libra has a perfectionistic streak and really wants to make the right call, even if it takes a long time. The point of all this is ultimately to build more comfortable relationships, another high priority for Libra.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and relationships. It is therefore associated with the heart chakra. When out of balance, Libra energy can become codependent and clingy, lacking good boundaries in relationships. The goal is to find harmony between one’s own needs and the needs of others.

Read on to learn 5 ways to make the most of Libra season!

1. Get some fresh air.

In many parts of the world, Libra season has pleasant weather — neither too hot nor too cold. If it’s comfortable to be outside, you might as well do it! Getting lost in thought is easy during contemplative Libra season, but moving around in nature and breathing fresh air can help you stay grounded.

2. Meet new people.

Libra energy is social and optimistic. During Libra season, you might as well embrace the opportunity to mix and mingle. Not everyone you meet will necessarily be a long-term match for you, but you must have the patience to put yourself out there in order to find your people. Interestingly, Libra season happens near the beginning of the school year in many parts of the world — and the same fresh start vibe can be felt even if you’re no longer in school.

3. Chart your course.

Libra energy is thoughtful and good for making orderly plans. If you have a major goal in mind, Libra season is a great time to identify the specific steps necessary to make it happen. You might also reflect on what you’ve achieved in the recent past. This can help you notice what works well for you and figure out how to get more of it.

4. Step up your meditation game.

Libra is a cerebral Air sign, and there’s good and bad to this. When you’re living in your head, it can be hard to stop ruminating if you get stressed out about something. Learning how to meditate can help you escape from mental loops that have become destructive. Alternatively, using more physical forms of yoga that ground you in your body could restore your perspective.

5. Try Libra yoga poses.

One of the best yoga poses for Libra energy is alternate nostril breathing. It’s aimed at restoring balance to both your body and your mind. Given that Libra is an Air sign, breathing is crucial!

If you’re looking for something more physical, Warrior Pose 2 involves the whole body. It focuses on grounding as well as balance.

To find the best Libra season yoga flow for your dominant element, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience!



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