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5 Ways to Make the Most of Leo Season

leo Jul 10, 2023

Leo season is a passionate and creative time of year. It’s a great opportunity to kick back and relax — but it might also be more serious than it appears at first glance!

Per Vedic (Sidereal) Astrology, the Sun is in Leo from August 16 to September 16. These cutoff dates may vary slightly each year.

Leo is ruled by the sun, and is always the king or queen of the moment. People with Leo energy are fun-loving, energetic, and very sociable. 

On its best days, Leo is big on personality, spontaneity, self-expression, and celebration. When suppressed, Leo either lets its ego overwhelm the wound (projecting the problem onto others) or retreats into its shell to lick its wounds. 

Leo’s creative side isn’t just about having fun — it also has to do with finding one’s own unique purpose. As a fixed sign, Leo then has the determination to make things happen.

During this Leo season, you can expect a boost in confidence and steadfast self-certainty. And it's needed, especially during periods of instability and doubt. It's time to take your own advice for once and start listening to yourself and your intuition!

Read on to learn 5 ways to make the most of Leo season!


1. Get creative

Leo energy is playful and childlike. It’s great for seeing the fun side of everyday life. Although you certainly might enjoy going to art galleries and thoughtful movies during Leo season, that lofty approach isn’t the only way that creativity can manifest. Sometimes it’s as simple as singing a silly song about your least favorite politician while you’re watching the TV news!


2. Keep drama in perspective

During Leo season, sometimes big emotions are better out than in. Even if you find it uncomfortable to witness the emotional displays of others, try to recognize when someone just needs to blow off steam. Let them vent, and don’t take it personally. You can’t control their feelings, but keeping up with your yoga and meditation can help you stay calm enough to hear them out.


3. Prioritize pleasure

Leo season is a time to enjoy life. Although you’ll probably still have routine responsibilities that you need to take care of, try to make sure that’s not all you ever do. Major inspiration can come to you when you’re engaged in activities that don’t seem productive, so don’t insist on accomplishing something every single second.


4. Have some fun with your appearance

The symbol of Leo is the lion, known for a proud mane. Leo season is a great time to pursue a change to your hairstyle or wardrobe that you’ve been considering. A new look can help you feel more confident. Even if you don’t normally think of yourself as artistic, honing your sense of personal style is definitely a form of creativity!


5. Try Leo yoga poses

Yoga poses suited to Leo season include Upward Salute and Sun Salutation, both of which help you connect with the energy of the Sun. Lion Pose, which can even include a roar if you like, is an excellent way to embody the fierce character of a lion.


Astrological remedies to stay balanced during Leo season.

  1. Wear a Ruby in Gold ring on your right-hand ring finger. Highly recommended for Aries and Leo natives and not recommended for Libra and Pisces natives. 
  2. Keep a Kunzite crystal in your room to attract true love in your life.  
  3. Recite the mantra “OM” to improve your Third Eye Chakra.

For more detailed guidance on the best yoga routine for Leo season, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience! 




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