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5 Ways to Make the Most of Gemini Season

astrology May 17, 2023

Gemini is bubbly, curious and playful, when they want to be! Their two sides allow them to be flexible and adaptable.

And... lets get real - we all have two sides of ourselves we use when necessary!

Geminis have just done a MUCH better job of flowing between the two and embracing that duality with grace and ease. Air qualities allow them to pick up on knowledge quickly and make them excellent Teachers as well. 

However, during Gemini season, focus and concentration is sure to be a challenge. Keeping your focus when there’s always something exciting going on may be one of the hardest parts of Gemini season.

Even yoga probably can’t take away this challenge entirely, but just knowing what you’re dealing with can help you make the most of Gemini season.

The cutoff dates of Gemini season vary slightly each year. In 2023, the Sun is in Gemini from May 21 to June 21. Read on to learn 5 ways to work with Gemini energy!

1. Talk it out.

Gemini energy has a reputation for being extremely talkative. During Gemini season, you might enjoy connecting with the people in your life — and they could reach out to you as well!

However, you may need to think about the difference between talking and having something to say. If there’s a major issue that you don’t want to deal with, it might seem easier to fill airspace with mindless chatter.

Gemini is associated with the throat chakra, which ultimately wants you to speak your truth. Start with a listener who’s likely to be sympathetic and build from there.

2. Write it down.

Your thoughts might seem to be in overdrive during Gemini season. No matter how much yoga and meditation you do to try to stay focused, there’s just a lot going on mentally this time of year!

Writing down your random bursts of inspiration in a journal or notebook can help you clear your mind. Some of your ideas are probably better than others, but don’t try to judge right away — get it all out, and the most promising parts will stick with you.

3. Meet new people.

The social energy of Gemini season encourages you to get out of your bubble and engage with others. If you’ve been thinking about joining a new group or organization, this is a great time to go for it!

You might not have to leave your regular routine to chat up someone you haven’t really talked to before, though. There are probably people you take for granted in your surroundings. Getting to know them better can provide the stimulation you seek. It may also give both you and them a sense of belonging.

4. Look both ways.

The symbol of Gemini is the twins. The body parts this sign rules are the shoulders, the arms, the hands, and the lungs — in most cases, people have two of each!

Gemini season is therefore a great time to thoughtfully look at any situation in your life where two sides are prominent. Maybe there are significant differences between the two sides of your family, or your country is divided into two dramatically opposed political parties.

You can’t always fix what other people are doing to stir the pot of conflict, but you can be more honest with yourself about the full range of your own thoughts. Making peace with your internal division puts you in a stronger position to heal the division around you.

As you move through your yoga routine, remember to do poses like Pigeon Pose on both sides, not just one. A balanced body is a balanced mind.

5. Remember to breathe.

Yoga isn’t just about moving your body into various poses. Breathing is also a key part of yoga, especially during Gemini season.

Maintaining a focus on your breath as you move from pose to pose can help you get more out of most yoga routines. There are also yoga exercises that focus only on breathing, known as pranayama.

Unfortunately, Gemini season is also allergy season in some parts of the world, and the resulting sinus congestion can make it difficult to breathe. Yoga poses that help with sinus congestion include Downward Dog, Fish Pose, Plow Pose and Bridge Pose.

To discover the best yoga routine for you during Gemini season, join the Astro Yoga Experience!


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  • How to create a routine to support cosmic connection
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