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5 Ways to Make the Most of Capricorn Season

capricorn Oct 17, 2023

It might seem surprising how many people suddenly become focused on improving their lives when the New Year rolls around in January. Although New Year’s resolutions are a longtime cultural phenomenon, they are a logical fit for the serious vibe of Capricorn season, which happens from late December to mid-January every year. 

This time around, the Sun is in Capricorn from December 21, 2023, to January 20, 2024. The dates may vary slightly each year.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of order and structure. Capricorn energy is great for providing the discipline necessary to get things done. Honestly, acknowledging the existence of Saturn’s limits and working productively with them is more likely to succeed than fighting against them. 

However, Saturn sometimes has a negative reputation because its approach can become harsh and judgmental if taken too far. Criticism for the sake of criticism doesn’t help anyone!

Read on to learn five ways to make the most of Capricorn season.

1. Make a change.

New Year’s Day falls during Capricorn season, and many people use that as an opportunity to make New Year’s resolutions. There’s sound astrological logic to this. As a cardinal sign, Capricorn is equipped to start something new. As a grounded Earth sign, Capricorn is practical and able to accurately detect where your physical needs aren’t currently being met.

However, many New Year’s resolutions fail because they come from a mindset of judgment and punishment. Try to focus on how the change you’re pursuing makes you feel good in the present moment, not on how bad you are because you didn’t make this change earlier in your life.

2. Shed something that’s not serving you.

Ambitious New Year’s resolutions often focus on adding things to your schedule, like exercise or cleaning. However, there are only so many hours in a day. Saturn rules both the beginning and the ending of significant commitments, so you might need to give up an existing responsibility or pastime to make room for a new one that will serve you better. Use the refining influence of Saturn to identify what you’re ready to decisively drop.

3. Take time to reflect.

Capricorn is an ambitious sign, but pushing for a productive accounting of every waking second might actually make you less efficient in the long run. Sometimes you need to step back and think about your priorities so that you can make sure you’re directing your efforts effectively. Meditating or journaling to clear your mind is not a waste of time!

4. Embrace skin care.

In medical astrology, Capricorn rules the skin, among other things. Capricorn season can be a good time to devote extra attention to your skin. For example, resting while a facial mask hardens could provide relaxation and rejuvenation after a hard day of work. 

Whatever is going on with your skin right now might not be only about your skin, though. If you do a cleanse or start a new diet that encourages your body to remove toxins, your skin may temporarily look worse before it looks better. Sometimes patience is the best remedy!

5. Try Capricorn yoga poses.

Capricorn is associated with the root chakra, so getting grounded is a crucial part of your yoga flow for Capricorn season. Mountain Pose is foundational and promotes good posture.

Capricorn also rules joints, especially the knees. With Saturn in the mix, rigidity is a risk, so it’s important to put effort into staying flexible. Eagle Pose and Hero Pose can help keep your knees limber.

For additional guidance on the best yoga flows for Capricorn season, consider joining the Astro Yoga Experience



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