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5 Ways to Make the Most of Aquarius Season

aquarius Dec 26, 2023

Aquarius season can be an especially exciting time of year. This social sign loves bringing people together and sharing big ideas, so there’s almost always something interesting going on when the Sun is in Aquarius.

In 2024, the Sun is in Aquarius from January 20 to February 18. The dates sometimes shift by a day or so depending on the year. 

Aquarius is a sign full of confusing contradictions. It’s an Air sign, but its symbol is the Water Bearer. It has two ruling planets: conservative Saturn and rebellious Uranus. 

During Aquarius season, you may therefore need to hold opposites in tension. Stimulating your mind with engaging content you read on the internet is important — but so is taking time away from media to relax your nervous system.

Read on for five ways to embrace the unique energy of Aquarius season.

1. Embrace technology.

Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is the first planet to be discovered with the aid of technology. Also, some astrologers describe Uranus as the higher octave of Mercury, the planet of communication. As a result, Aquarius retains an association with the devices we rely on to make our lives easier. 

During Aquarius season, you might want to take care of any needed maintenance on your computer or smartphone. If you’re in the market for new equipment, this is also a great time to shop.

2. Dream big.

Aquarius energy is often prominent in ambitious visions for how society should work. Some of these big ideas are more realistic than others. To lean into this side of Aquarius season, you might enjoy reading a novel about a fictional utopia — or watching a documentary about a cult that tried and failed to build a fantasyland here on Earth. Once you see what others got wrong, you can imagine how you’d do things better!

3. Enjoy a good debate. 

Aquarius placements are prominent in the astrological charts of many politicians and commentators on both ends of the political spectrum. Some embody Saturnian conservatism, while others push for Uranian change. They may be internally conflicted — progressive on some issues and traditional on others. Whatever the blend might be, they typically care deeply about the fate of the collective.

Aquarius season is therefore a great time to engage in a debate about how society should work. You’re likely to learn a lot from someone who disagrees with you. Even if they are still wrong, try to see where they care about the fate of the collective too.  

4. Tend to your nervous system.

Aquarius is associated with the nervous system, so doing what’s necessary for you to feel calm could be a high priority during Aquarius season. Unfortunately, you’ll probably need to muster the discipline to step away from all the excitement on your computer once in a while. Yoga and meditation are, of course, great for helping you get in touch with your body and feel grounded!

5. Try Aquarius yoga poses.

The seven chakras are associated with the seven traditional celestial bodies — the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. For Aquarius, Saturn is the relevant ruling planet, making Aquarius associated with the root chakra. Garland Pose and Tree Pose support the grounding that the root chakra calls for.

In terms of body parts, Aquarius rules the ankles, calves, and shins. Chair Pose and Legs up the Wall Pose work these areas. 

Aquarius is also associated with the nervous system, due more to its modern ruler, Uranus. Shoulder Stand is a great pose for stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.

For additional guidance on the best yoga routine for Aquarius season, join the Astro Yoga Experience!



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